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Subject: Can we find real love on wap?
Replies: 8 Views: 850

tanmay8 11.05.08 - 04:56pm
I hav met many gals on wap,wio say dat they love me,bt i fink
They r cheating ok lukin,tall,well built,am shy of gals,So can i find a real love on wap..dnt care bout religon,race,age *

jewlz26 14.05.08 - 10:23pm
Yea,tanmay,i think its absolutely possibl to find lurv on WAP,sumwea out thea,theaz a perfect sum1 for all of us..And guess what?Im gona hlp u find one,just post the details of what you look for in women,and let the magic begin!! *

2060 15.05.08 - 04:05pm
Out of syt out of mind,i don think it works *

tanmay8 15.05.08 - 04:11pm
Thanx jewel..u r nice....well am luking 4nice luking gal,of any race,religon...she shud b gud nd caring..dnt care bout her finanCial status...please help me frend *

carbonic 15.05.08 - 08:18pm
dont.GIF i thnk u can fall in l*st over wap. Luv will only count aftr uve met a coupla tymz *

nikan 16.05.08 - 09:26am
yes u can.Am also doing my best 2 love again.Just know that love is a risk 2.Alot of gals tellme they love me 2. *

jewlz26 17.05.08 - 05:41am
Nikan,i agree with you as always,it really is possible to find luv on WAP.Tanmay8,im working on that for you. *

nikan 17.05.08 - 11:30am
Yeah,tanmay just blive in yo'self and have determination ok,u gonna find er' *

domiehaz 24.06.08 - 06:25am
I thnk l*st is da 1st thing that will happen but if u meet thats the turning point but keep hoping u never know where your other half is. *

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