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Subject: How do i knw?
Replies: 4 Views: 671

carbonic 15.05.08 - 08:38pm
K i mus admit tht i lyk 2 flirt alot hehe flirty.GIF bt if thrs one thing i s*ck at iz gettn 2 notice whn a gal iz interested in me. Im usually told ths lyk way l8r whn the spark aint thr any more so im throwin ths 2 the ladiez. Hw am i to tel if a gal iz interested? *

jewlz26 17.05.08 - 03:43pm
Babez,im so glad u joind ths group,coz u totally need ths..(laughoutloud)Ladies,don wori..I wont speak for the masses seeing as how im a solitary view in a massive wave of contradictory opinions on the matter,but this is wot id do if i lykd a guy n wantd 2 get his attention..1st,id totalli go out of my way to see him,even if it meant deviating from my original destination..2nd,id definitely dress up if i knew the chances of meeting him were good,3rd,id laugh at all his jokes,whether they were as stale as yester year,or as fresh as pine.4th,id compliment him and give him drop dead gorgeous smiles,nt 2 mch,nt 2 little,finally,id change my attitude 2wards him constantly,at tymz flirty,at tymz swit but sulky,thtd keep him guesn,n noticin thngz abt me.Know any chq who daz any of the above?She jus myt be into you...wink.GIF *

nikan 17.05.08 - 05:21pm
Wow.Jewlz i thnk am lucky 2 have u as a buddy.Kul staff. *

carbonic 17.05.08 - 08:25pm
Aww...i c thinking.GIF yep ive defo gt sm1 in mind. Especially th laughn part. N i wz startn to thnk tht i wz funi haha. Thnx jewlz. *

jewlz26 18.05.08 - 05:40am
Haha,maybe u r carbonic,maybe u r..Don take ua tym wonderin whether or nt its workable,in ths day n age,chqs patience wears thin pretty fast..esp if the object of their desire is a hot,bt flirtatious carb wink.GIF.LOL!So how do u plan on findn out if shz in2 u? *

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